About Us


DigitalSports is a national forum for communities, schools and teams to share stories, photos and videos from the perspective of those who know the athletes best—parents, friends and faculty.

What we do:

  • Unify communities. We are more than just athletics. We give all members of the community a simplistic method of learning about their school’s activities. We engage and unite communities by providing an easy forum for everyone to show school spirit by sharing information about the school in one central location.
  • Assist aspiring journalists. Our site is used as a web-based student journalism portfolio of writing, photography and video. We provide instructional writing resources specific to athletics and the sports journalism profession.
  • Share accomplishments of students and athletes. Stories written on DigitalSports come directly from those who care about the school and community. No matter what happens on or off the field, win or lose, the focus of the site will always be on the great things the teams and athletes

Who participates:

  • Students, athletes and fans write about their favorite teams or players and submit photos and videos of great moments and plays.
  • Coaches and athletic directors notify their community of schedule updates, important forms and documents, and breaking news.
  • Teachers use athletics to generate excitement in the classroom and spotlight student work by sharing it on DigitalSports.
  • Parents can support their son, daughter, and friends by writing about them and publishing those achievements.

SchedulesThe default schedule view comes directly from LeagueMinder® and is not controlled through the DigitalSports media site. To learn more about schedules, visit LeagueMinder.com.


If you have any questions pertaining to the DigitalSports media site, please contact cdecker@digitalsports.com or (267) 756-1226.
